Black Box Theatre Comedy, tV & Film Dramas, and Cirque Du Soleil.

Actor - Perormer - Clown


    Riley currently performs acrobatics for Cirque Du Soleil’s KA in Las Vegas. Stunt fighting, high falls, and a continuously moving stage allows Riley to combine his background in Gymnastics and Martial Arts to bring his Spearman to life.


    From the goofy best friend to the villainous love interest, Riley has performed on live stages and for the camera. He uses is training in classical theatre to bring truth to every role, large and small.


    The innocence of a child, the grotesque of a teenager, Riley performs live comedy in his spare time with the 1230 Clowns. Improv theatre has nothing on the chaos and absurdity that is Clown, and all for the sake of MAMA!

